SQL Saturday # 184

One of my favorite event for which I always had to travel just too far .. either at NY or at MA for past few years … but this year CT is going to have it’s very own SQL Saturday. For anyone who have not heard about this great event then think of it as a code camp exclusively concentrated on SQL Server and it’s components like SSRS, SSIS and SSAS. In past two years I have been to SQL Saturdays of Boston twice and both of them were just great. Only thing that I really hated was drive of about 4 hours all the way to Waltham but once you are there you will realize that it is well worth of it 😀

But this year, SQL Saturday team has finally decided to have SQL Saturday event in CT at Quinnipiac University on March 2nd… which happen to be very close to my home. As always they have 5 tracks … DBA, Dev, BI, New Version of SQL Server (this time it is 2012) and Personal dev. No doubt all three … DBA, Dev and BI has really great session and speakers … and I am really not sure where I will go .. because all sessions seems great to me 🙁

Just as a side note they have $10 fee for lunch … or think it as an entry fee … but if you have been to any similar event then you know that it is worth more then that 😀

All details about time and session and registration can be found on SQL Saturday website.

That’s it for now … See you at the event …

Gaurang Sign

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